A cell's mitochondria are tiny little power plants that do the actual work in converting glucose, a sugar, into usable cellular energy.
Mitochondria are important to lose weight because they help burn up the fat from stores using an indirect biochemical method.
You take care of your mitochondria in the following manners:
- Do not eat rich foods. Eat light foods that are easy for your body to break down and assimilate. Whole foods are best by far.
- Eat less foods overall. When you eat less, your mitochondria have less work to do. With less work done, the life of your mitochondria is elongated.
- Exercise more. Regular physical activity increases mitochondrial production levels.
- Provide the body with sufficient healthful nutrients, vitamins, minerals, water, healthy fats and loads of antioxidants.
- Be consistently attentive to other methods for increasing your metabolic rate. For instance, take the steps instead of the escalator. Park in back of a parking lot instead of waiting for that spot right up by the doors. Take your dog an extra walk every day. Do whatever you can think of in order to create an increased level of physical activity in your life.
By increasing the longevity of your cell's mitochondria, you increase your own longevity. You are your cells! Your cells are you. If you wish to lose weight, maintain a healthy weight level, prevent and/or reverse diseases, optimize your health and live happier, then you have to embrace the concept that you are nothing more than a conglomeration of cellular structures that need proper fuels (the foods that you eat) and regular physical activity to thrive.
Learn more about energy production here