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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Our Need for Sugar

We all need sugar. What we don't need is the excessive amounts of it. Natural food in its whole state will supply your body with all the energy demands, even for marathon runners, and athletes.
On the average, each of us consumes 18% of our total calories as refined and processed sugar. It is suggested that we should reduce our refined sugar intakes to 10% or less of our total calories. Keep in mind, many of us could go without all refined and processed sugars. Your body will get along just fine on nature's sugar found in complex carbohydrates. Save the refined sugar for infrequent sweet treats. Since we're eating so much refined food, it's easy to understand why our intake of nutritious complex carbohydrates is so low. We each consume only about 28% of our total calories in this form. We should increase that to at least 48%. For those involved in physical performance, the intake of complex carbohydrates and naturally occurring sugars can go as high as 80% for some people.

More Information on the subject of sugar & carbohydrates:

The Basics on Carbohydrates in the diet

What Are Carbohydrates?

Different sugars added to Foods

The Truth about Sweetners and Artificial Additives

Taste Sensations & Weight Control Problems

Do Carbs Make us Fat?

What is the glycemic index?

The G.I. Diet & its Problems for Losing Weight

The Glycemic Loading in the Body after Eating Sugary Foods

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