Weight loss help

Learn how to lose weight with effective exercise, diet, nutrition, metabolism, energy balance and fat oxidation to lose fat permanently. Create a weight loss program to suit lifestyle and body types.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

More Weight Loss Tips & Tricks

Here are a few more dieting tips while I was just thinking them up in my head.

1. Buy a few dried herbs and spices so you can add them to the healthy "boring" foods to make them taste a little better. Don't be scared of experimenting with flavours too.

2. Try your best to drink more water over tea and coffee. Water has no calories in it so it's best way to fill up with before a meal to limit the amount consumed.

3. Eat higher fibre foods with each meal. These will fill you up quicker so we consume less energy at each meal, thus reduce total calories for the day.

4. Don't neglect protein foods. We need a steady supply of essential proteins sources to help maintain a good metabolism for losing weight effectively.

5. Exercising does not have to mean going to the gym or running about outside. ANY activity will burn calories and help with weight loss,
more cleaning, playing with pets, general household chores or fixing things to increase your calories burned each day!

Good luck!

Weight loss Help Pages!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Move at the Hips Please!

I once had a client ask me how to burn a greater amount of calories when exercising. After seeing her exercise, I noticed she had a tendency to limit her movements. Yes, she moved continuously but, the movements were either limited, or she moved only the smaller muscle groups.

I informed her that to burn more energy during exercise, she really needed to use the bigger muscle groups of the body. For her, it meant moving more at her hips, and less at the shoulders and arms.

Imagine the difference between squat thrusts, and performing arm lateral raises? The arm raises will burn much less energy because the muscles involved are small groups. Squats thrusts will burn more because she would be using the muscles of the thighs, buttocks, and all the torso together.

I think this is one reason why doing tons of sit ups will never beat performing aerobic workouts to burn more energy and help lose fat around the belly. Aerobic workouts include a whole host of general movements which require more effort; such as, standing, bending at the knees, lunges and squats, as well as twists of the torso.

Burning large amounts of energy can be acieved quicker if we put more effort into all our movements, whether exercising or doing daily chores!

Learn How To Lose Weight Permanently

Monday, March 03, 2008

Metabolism Talk

I was talking to a client the other day, and she asked about the metabolism.

I pointed out that I believe it would be much better to increase the metabolism a month or so before starting any new diet.

The reason is because a diet low in calories will inevitably lead to a decrease in lean muscle, which in turn causes a lower metabolic rate.

Exercising before a low calorie diet helps raise lean mass as there will be sufficient calorie intake to enable anabolic processes to occur. This means you would be burning many more calories just to maintain normal weight. At this stage she would be able to reduce food intake a little but get some good results quickly. Plus, she will have much more room to decrease intake further once she hits a plateau in weight loss.

Continuous weight loss requires the ability to adjust diet / exercise at regular intervals, if a person drops calories too low then they would have no room to adjust when the body adapts to the intake.
A higher metabolism gives the ability to adjust without starving oneself!

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