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Sunday, April 23, 2006

Ten quick tips for losing weight

10 weight loss tips.

1. Avoid frying foods, bake, boil or grill.

2. Select only the leanest cuts of meat and keep meat portions small.

3. Try to eat your main meal in the middle of the day and your last meal or snack should be light in calories and be small portion.

4. Try experimenting with recipes using natural ingredients, herbs and spices you may be surprised at the difference it can make.

5. Try not to nibble between meals, if you feel you need to then make up a fruit or vegetable mix in a bowl and keep in the fridge.

6. Eat food slowly. This will make you feel satisfied sooner helping to consume less energy.

7. If you must indulge occasionally then do so after an exercise session but try not to make it an excuse to overindulge every time.

8. Reduce your intake of refined sugar and refined flour products.

9. Try to cook without adding butter, margarine or oils.

10. Try to limit use of sauces, dressings and creams.

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