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Thursday, February 24, 2005

Anaerobic Exercise and burning fat

The words aerobic and anaerobic refer to different energy systems that the cells access during exercise. Aerobic system means oxygen is utilized and the anaerobic system means cells can utilize energy without oxygen.

To burn fat during any exercise cells need oxygen and this takes time. For this reason we need to exercise at a much slower pace if we wish to utilize excess fat stores. If we exercise at a harder pace the cells are force to use carbs. The problem with exercising at a slower rate is we use up less total calories so we would need to workout for longer periods to gain any real fat loss results.

There are ways to workout less and boost the body's fat burning rate. This is to exercise anaerobically in a way that boosts the metabolism so the cells use up much more energy stores after the exercise has finished.

Learn more about how the internets top fat loss expert does this.

It may be best for very overweight individuals or those who haven't exercised for a long period to start off lightly or train aerobically until a little fitness has been developed before attempting anaerobic type exercises.

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