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Friday, March 09, 2007

Don't buy the food from the big supermarkets

I noticed the other day just how easy it is to have too much food in the house. My partner went to do the weekly food shopping at a new supermarket that had recently opened. This supermarket was huge and sold every item you could think of. When she came back she had twice as many bags as normal, and spent 35 minutes telling me about all these lovely new healthy foods she had found.

Being a little concerned about health she thought all these new "healthy" foods would be good for us but, we are quite a healthy family with no real health problems to worry about. The only thing we need to watch is our weight, and with all this food about that's one thing we'll have to watch even closely now!

Yes, I suppose it's good food but it's still calories, and extra calories no matter where they come from will cause weight gain.

I suppose the one tip we could take from this experience is NOT to shop at large supermarkets with huge choice available. Research has shown that having lots of different foods available can easily cause overeating.

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