Eating Too Little Too Late!
Eating little and often is usually good dietary advice for people trying to lose weight. The only trouble with having frequent low fat snacks is that you are supplying the body with a steady supply of sugar, the body's preferred energy source. Having a steady supply of sugar means the body may be burning less from the fat stores, this could be especially true if the individual has a low activity level because the number of calories burned is not sufficient to over ride the number of calories supplied from the frequent sugar intake. All this could mean hampered results for losing weight. This is a classic case where some generally good advice may not be much use to others with a different lifestyle or situation.
I believe some people really need to let themselves go a little bit hungry for longer periods to try and force the body to use up excess fat stores more readily. This does not means starving oneself, as is the case for most things in life, too much of anything is never much of a good thing. I mean if you don't manage to get much activity then maybe let that hunger continue for a little bit longer.
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I believe some people really need to let themselves go a little bit hungry for longer periods to try and force the body to use up excess fat stores more readily. This does not means starving oneself, as is the case for most things in life, too much of anything is never much of a good thing. I mean if you don't manage to get much activity then maybe let that hunger continue for a little bit longer.
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