Weight loss help

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Monday, January 01, 2007

Question about exercising

Hi. I just want to clarify, is it correct to say that if I jog at a reasonable pace, which I can still converse, then I'm burning fat. But if I really push myself to jog faster till I'm breathless, then I am burning carbohydrates instead?

Yes, basically if we train at a lower intensity we tend to burn a higher percentage of fat.

We actually burn all 3 types of fuel (carbs, fat & protein) all the time. The difference is the percentage of each fuel used. While resting or doing light work we burn a higher percentage of fat, the only problem is we don't burn lots of energy at light work rate. As we work harder we burn more energy but the percentage shifts.

As an example, ( forget the protein energy used for simplicity reasons) we may burn 80% fat, 20% carbs when resting but only about 60 calories per hour burned. That's equals about 48 calories of fat per hour.

When walking we may burn up to 180 calories per hour, the ratio of energy burned may shift to 50%, 50%, that equates to 90 calories of fat burned. It means it's better to exercise, however there is a limit. If we exercise at too high intensity we may shift the ratio too far ( 90% carbs 10% fats) so even though we may burn about 500 calories per hour, it equates to only 50 calories in fat. Another problem is if we use up our carbs stores quickly we tend to crave sugar to replenish stores, this can often lead to overeating.

To complicate matters fitness plays a huge role. The fitter the person the harder they can work and still continue to burn higher degree of fat calories - it's basically because their energy system is in top shape. That's why you never see an overweight distance runner!!

The idea is to select a balance of work rate which is suits you. Train enough to burn sufficient calories without overdoing it. As you gain fitness over the months of regular training sessions you can gradually workout harder to burn off more calories and fat weight.

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