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Sunday, September 10, 2006

Bigger Muscles to Lose Weight

If I did weight training to help build more lean muscle in order to boost my metabolism, as a woman, wouldn't I become muscle bound?

Highly unlikely!
Building big, huge muscles so that you become bulked up takes years of dedicated, hard training. It also requires a diet where calories are gradually increased as muscle weight is gained. Muscles cannot be built much on a diet fairly low in calories and dieters tend to stick to lower calories.

The idea of using weights is to keep muscle toned and limit muscle loss when losing weight. Losing lean muscle lowers the metabolism and can lead to that dreaded weight loss plateau. By holding onto, or even building a little muscle it helps keep the metabolism optimal to maintain steady weight loss.
In fact modest exercises like walking will to a certain degree, build a little muscle. Walking helps tone leg muscles and toning is a slight increase in muscle. Even toning the body using Callisthenics builds a little muscle, that’s how muscles become harder, the difference is the protein deposited in the muscle is only tiny so size is not noticed.

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