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Friday, November 04, 2005

Celebrities and their weight loss success

I often read in the papers or magazines that there are tons of celebrities who seem to be successful when they attempt to lose weight. The other thing I found was that each celebrity seemed to suggest a different weight loss plan; some used low calorie diet, low carb diet or many other crazy ways to lose the weight. I have thought about why they always seem to manage to lose the weight without any problems.

I came to the conclusion that most of the success comes down to their lifestyle which includes their hectic schedule. Often a celebrity in the limelight will have a very busy life, they are always on the go, appearing on T.V, radio and interviews, and not to mention completing their own work. Many celebrities will work no stop always looking for ways to further their career. I also thought about the mental pressure they must be under, the regular worry about if their work is up to the job, if they will find more work, will the new album sell, etc. All this adds up to an immense amount of energy burned each and every day.

Also being in the limelight may help drive a deeper motivation for success. Maybe the thoughts that they must succeed in losing weight or the career could be under threat. A greater motivation can separate a successful dieter from failed dieter.

I believe celebrities have the motivation and lifestyle to help them succeed in losing weight no matter what type of diet they use. As long as the diet helps lower the energy intake to less than their body requires then their activity levels and motivation will cause them to succeed on any diet.

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