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Saturday, September 10, 2005

My dining out tips control weight

A change in work schedule over the last few years has caused me to dine out a lot more, as a result I have developed numerous tips and tricks which has helped me keep my weight in check.

I start by planning ahead so if I have the choice of restaurant I'll pick one that I know has a healthy low-calorie section on the menu. If I don't have the choice of restaurant then I'll use a few approaches:

Budget my calorie intake at home to allow for extra calories at the meal.
Take my own low-fat dressings if I have an idea of type of meal I will select.
Eat a small, low-calorie snack about an hour before the meal.
Drink plenty of water before leaving home.

At the meal I often try to order first to avoid the influence of the other people's orders. I often have a meal which includes salad or lots of vegetables, then eat these first to fill me up. This helps avoid overeating on items like bread and butter towards the end of the meal. I'll only drink water or low-calorie, no-sugar juices.

For dessert I'll often choose fresh fruit but if these items are not available I'll choose something that is not a rich sauce of sugar, fats and calories.

As portion size is often large in many of the restaurants I go, I'll try to eat half to two-thirds of each course then leave the rest. This way I get to enjoy each course with my clients and cut back on calorie intake at the same time. If anyone asks why leaving food I'll say I'm leaving room for dessert or when leaving some dessert state that I've already eaten a big breakfast or lunch.

I always try to enjoy each dining out experience but in the back of my mind I always stay conscious about the amounts of energy I may be consuming, after all I would much prefer to tighten up on consumption rather than attempt to burn it all off in the gym over the next few days!

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