Tips When Not Losing Weight
Try the following tips when having trouble losing weight
1. Keep active with regular exercise
2. Do not starve yourself when attempting to lose weight
3. Lower calorie intake gradually, lowering calories to much too soon doesn't give you much adjustment when weight slows
4. Consume plenty of low calorie, high fiber foods
5. Consume more natural foods high in complex carbohydrates and reduce highly processed foods loaded with extra fat, sugars and salt
6. If doctor approves try weight training to help the body hold on to lean weight while losing fat
7. Try to change workout routines and gradually challenge the body to adapt to higher levels
8. Don't train too hard too soon, gradually build up intensity levels as fitness levels increase
9. After a few weeks of exercising try to work the whole body during each workout to boost calorie burning
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1. Keep active with regular exercise
2. Do not starve yourself when attempting to lose weight
3. Lower calorie intake gradually, lowering calories to much too soon doesn't give you much adjustment when weight slows
4. Consume plenty of low calorie, high fiber foods
5. Consume more natural foods high in complex carbohydrates and reduce highly processed foods loaded with extra fat, sugars and salt
6. If doctor approves try weight training to help the body hold on to lean weight while losing fat
7. Try to change workout routines and gradually challenge the body to adapt to higher levels
8. Don't train too hard too soon, gradually build up intensity levels as fitness levels increase
9. After a few weeks of exercising try to work the whole body during each workout to boost calorie burning
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